Ethersocks — A Unique NFT for Redeemers!

Ethersocks were released to celebrate the upcoming ETH2.0 launch as well as all things Ethereum. SOX are to be owned (and worn) in honour of celebrating the tireless buidlers, the vibrant community and the projects and people that make ETH so great.
SOX are a tokenised asset which upon redemption provide redeemers with a physical limited-edition pair of Ethersocks and access to a unique & tradable ‘EtherRhino’ NFT.
Today we are pleased to provide further information on the NFT part of SOX and demonstrate to the community that we as a team are here to deliver on our promises and roadmap.

We believe that the added innovation of a truly unique, tradable NFT for all SOX redeemers will broaden our ecosystem and add a feature that will allow owners of a pair of real world Ethersocks to have their investment remain embedded in the cryptocurrency scene.

After having dropped a few hints in our project’s private Discord channel the #Etherhino-citadel (made available to all those with a SOX balance of one or greater), we are now happy to announce that we have finalized the pixel art of our unique NFTs!

NFT Design and Release Procedure
Every SOX token redemption entitles the user to a unique Etherhino NFT. All Etherhino NFTs have unique characteristics and attributes and are 100% tradable.

Redeemer-Rhinos will receive a real pair of Ethersocks shipped anywhere in the world at no cost, plus a unique and scarce Etherhino NFT (3200 max supply). We have created a design methodology that will allow our Rhino-Redeemers to participate in a dynamic collectors market should they desire, or simply hold a cool commemorative Etherhino NFT as a badge of honor for having their very own pair of Ethersocks.

We hope you like our beloved Etherhino mascot NFT as much as we do. Congratulations to those of you who have already redeemed your SOX tokens! For those of you considering redemption, you now have another value added incentive. Our NFT will further encourage the continued burning of SOX tokens as the market develops.

What follows is a list that covers the the major attributes that will be generated to lend each NFT its own special properties.
Pose differentiation marks a core aspect of the Etherhino design. Our mascot has been carefully trained to perform the following poses for Ethersocks wearers:
- Standard, Lying down, Sitting, Sleeping, Rearing, Jumping, Running. There are also some hidden poses that await their discovery ;)
Color differentiation marks another core aspect of the Etherhino design. Colors differ across the following elements:
- Background, Base color of the Etherhino (dark/medium/bright), ETH Tail, Horn, Feet and Legs
Another highly-varied trait is to be found in the range of unique items that accompany some rhinos!
Team Reflections
The SOX team likes to be thoughtful and methodical. We prefer to take a slow and steady approach. This is how we feel we can best serve our objectives and our community. We are in this for the long haul.
To demonstrate this to the community we have locked all our token sale liquidity on DODO for 90 days to ensure access to a deep trading pool of SOX.
We searched high and low for a quality sock manufacturer who would accept payment in ETH from the Ethersocks DAO. One thing is certain: With the recent price appreciation of ETH the manufacturers choice to be paid in ETH has been a wise one!
We have given away 143 SOX to acknowledge the incredible contribution of many known and unknown ethereum builders as a token of our appreciation.
We have now created 3200 designs for unique NFTs which will be obtainable for free for SOX redeemers* to further incentivize participation in Ethersocks. This has been an amazing project and we thank you all for your ongoing support!

*depending on the mode of distribution gas costs might occur to claim the unique NFT.